Hi Hope you’re doing well - we’re doing great! August was our biggest month EVER in selling stuff on Ebay OfferUp, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace. Most of the items were woodworking tools that Steve purchased in Las Vegas in July. We've earned back what we hoped to by selling duplicate tools or tools Steve won’t use. He’s also redesigning part of our garage to be a more efficient workshop. Everything will be on wheels. Even the storage shelves. We found great wheels on Amazon (110 pound capacity per wheel). And they were less expensive than Home Depot. And he’s started using the new tools too! He just built a shelf unit out of scrap wood to hold bins to store our different-sized plastic bags. It's not a work of art, but it is sturdy and functional. 
The top bin has paper grocery bags, the next bin has plastic grocery bags, the third bin has larger plastic shopping bags and the bottom bin has sturdy plastic pouches, bags and zippered containers. Are you working on any DIY Projects this fall? We'd love to know what you're planning.
We’re making frugal fun! 
Organic Food on a Budget:12 Secrets to Save Money and Eat Healthily
Are you looking for ways to eat healthier organic food on a budget? Have you ever asked, “How can I save money on organic food?” We are always asked about how to save money on organics every time we do a grocery seminar or take phone calls during a radio interview on grocery savings. Read how to save on organics here
The Secret Fix: How to Rehydrate Droopy Limp Carrots
Have you ever purchased carrots that are rubbery, limp and droopy? Have carrots that you store in your refrigerator lost their crispness and crunchiness? Don’t despair, your produce is not ready for the trash can or compost pile. You can rehydrate limp carrots and return them to their crisp and crunchy original condition. Read how to rehydrate limp carrots here
~~~$-$-$-$~~~ 37 Garage Sale Tips and Tricks:A Guide To Hosting Great Yard or Garage Sale
If you’re looking for Garage Sale Tips and Tricks, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve hosted and participated in dozens of very successful garage sales. We’ve written this Garage Sale Guide to help you turn your unwanted treasures into cash. There are 37 ideas presented on this page to help you run an efficient and profitable yard sale at your home. Or to host a rummage sale for a charitable organization where you volunteer. Read Our Tips for Hosting A Garage Sale – Where to Start
33 Free Educational Websites for Kids
If you’re looking for great websites to enhance your child’s learning you’re going to love this list of the best free educational websites for kids. It can sometimes be hard to find the ideal balance of fun and learning. The challenge might seem daunting, but have no fear the perfect learning website is out there. Just check out this list of fun and information-filled sites to find the right website for you and your kids! We’ve put this list into 7 different categories to make your search easier. See the table of contents for details. - Preschool – Watch, Play & Learn Sites (3)
- Reading & Math – Play & Learn Sites (6)
- Science Websites (7)
- History & Geography Websites (3)
- News & Events (2)
- General Educational Websites (8)
- College & Testing Prep (2)
Get all of the details on Free Educational Websites here
~~~$-$-$-$~~~ 15 Ways to Wreck Your Food Budget
Learning to manage your food budget is one of the fastest ways to start turning around your family household budget. We see so many families practice grocery shopping habits that drive their food costs through the roof. If you’ve never been shown how to master the art of food shopping and meal prep, don’t feel bad. It’s a much easier game to learn than you realize. Click Here to take the Quiz and See How You Do
~~~$-$-$-$~~~ Free Air For Tires Near Me:15+ Places to Inflate Your Tires
If you are looking to cut the cost of driving your car, then finding free air for your tires can be a good place to start. By keeping your tires properly inflated you’ll save money on gas, your tires will last longer and your car will drive better. There are likely to be 15+ places near you that will give you free air for your tires. Why it’s important: The cost of owning a vehicle can be staggering. Between car payments, insurance, regular maintenance, and gas, you could be spending several thousand dollars a year to drive your car. Add to that the cost of $1.50 to $2.00 to put air in your tires every month or so. We’ll share lots of places near you that will either let you fill your tires for free or do it for you. After that, we’ll share why it’s important to monitor your tire condition AND tools to help you do that. See all of the places where you can inflate your tires for free
~~~$-$-$-$~~~ Fast, Easy and Inexpensive RecipeRice Krispy Treats with Red Hots
Rice Krispy Treats with Red Hots are one of our family’s favorite treats to make and bring to potlucks, events, or holidays. They are simple to make and taste delicious. Get the Recipe from our Best Desserts Page - Scroll to #9 Watch this video where Annette Shares Her Secrets to 10 minute Rice Krispy Treats https://youtu.be/fZdU1isIB or click on the image below to watch the video 
One more Video Just for Fun
Watch as Steve shows you all of the stickers we’ve received for FREE from our Blog article on Free Stickers. Give it a try they make great gifts for kids. Request Your free stickers by Going to MoneySmartFamily.com