Hi We hope you had a wonderful start to July.
We hosted 38 friends and family for a hot and fun July 4th Celebration, BBQ and Pool Party. The event was held outdoors so there was no problem with social distancing. There was lots of great food and some fun pool games. 

Selling Used Stuff -We’re still selling stuff on eBay, CriagsList, OfferUp and Facebook Marketplace. It’s a great way to clean things out and makes some extra money. Watch this interview we did with Rob and Melissa Stephensen from Flea Market Flippers - they are our Flipping Heros. 
Watch on YouTube
We’re making frugal fun!

~~~$-$-$-$~~~ Best Car Rental Hacks:7 Unusual Ways to Save on Renting a Vehicle
Want to save money on your next rental car? You’re going to love these cheap car rental hacks. We’ve tried every one of these and they really work to cut the cost of your trip.
Renting a Full-Sized Van for Vacation – Our Story of How these Rental Car Hacks saved us $200+! Read the 7 Rental Car Hacks Here
~~~$-$-$-$~~~ 25 Free Online Movie Websites Like Crackle, YouTube and Hulu
This list of 25 free movie websites like Crackle, YouTube & Hulu can help you save money by dumping cable. Check out these sites and other Blu-Ray/smart tv apps. One of the biggest budget busters is overspending on recreation. We recently did a “dinner and a movie” date night. If we hadn’t had movie gift cards and a restaurant coupon we would have spent $60. There has to be a better way to spend time together without spending a fortune. We love cocooning at home after a long day of work. After selecting a good movie, we sit on the couch and share a fresh fruit smoothie or a bowl of popcorn. While we still get movies and TV shows movies from our public library, using apps on Roku or phone has opened a whole new world of free viewing. To help us remember the best options, we compiled this list of free movie websites like Crackle. See the List of Free Movie Sites
Is Buying a Timeshare Really Worth It?Are They a Scam or a Good Investment?
Are Timeshares Worth It? Are they a scam? Or are they a good investment?
Are you considering buying a vacation property? Or are you trying to get out of a fractional ownership property that you either no longer use or can no longer afford? We’ve experienced the buying, using, and trading of timeshares for more than 25 years. Although we’ve never been an owner, we’ve observed a master vacationer—Annette’s dad Syl. Over the past 25 years, he has accumulated 6 different timeshares. He owns actual weeks at properties and timeshare points. We’ve worked with him, trading, banking, and negotiating for alternative weeks at other properties. Getting the most out of his timeshares has been a fun game for Syl. But now that he’s older, he’s been selling off or turning in his properties. We’ve been learning from him in this process also. Find out if a Timeshare is a good deal for you
Want to have fun around the Dinner Table?Try these 11 Different Ideas!
If you want to make eating together as a family fun, you’ll love some of the things we do around the dinner table. The family dinner hour is going the way of the dinosaur and black & white movies. But is the desire to eat meals together an old-fashioned, outdated notion? And with today’s faster-paced, non-relational lifestyle is it even possible? Read the 11 Things We’ve Done to Make Dinner Time Fun
Plastic Surgery for Paying off Debt: 9 Steps to Being Debt Free
Do you want to get out of Debt? Have you been trying to pay off what you owe, but keep getting hit with unexpected emergencies. Keep reading - we have 9 things you can do to kill your debt. And several things you can start applying today. Learn How to Beat Debt FOREVER
Flavorful Fruit Recipes Page
It's summer and there are lots of refreshing recipes you can make for your family. Our Fruit Recipes page contains lots of recipes for fresh and cooked fruit. Recipes included on this page: