Hi Our fall weather has finally arrived and we’ve been enjoying the cooler mornings and evenings. We’re doing yard work and are hosting a huge garage sale to clean out many things that have been given to us by friends who were moving or downsizing. Plus we are cleaning out things in our garage. We’ve heard from a few of you who are going to stop by, and we’re looking forward to meeting you. If you’re in the Phoenix area and want to come to our sale, shoot us an email through our contact form and we’ll send you the details. 
If you need some extra cash - hosting a garage sale and selling things on CraigsList, Offerup and Facebook Marketplace could be just the thing for you.
Plus it feels so good to clean things out! If you want to hold a garage sale and make more money doing it, read our ultimate garage sale guide here.
We’re making frugal fun! 
Restaurant Hacks Tips
With restaurants opening up and people getting out to enjoy date nights we thought it would be helpful to share this page for ways to save money eating out. Sadly several of the restaurants we like to eat at have closed due to Covid restrictions. But there are still many others who are vying for your business and offering special deals. If you have a favorite way to save money when eating out or ordering in, please share it with us so we can share it with everyone. See all of our Restaurant Hacks here
Send YOUR Restaurant Hack Here
Halloween Tips and Ideas
Our Halloween Tips & Ideas Page contains a growing number of ideas such as frugal ways to buy costumes, activities for parties, and tricks for finding discounted Halloween decor. We’d love to hear from you with tips on how you make Halloween and Fall fun. Get Our Halloween Savings Tips Here
Send Us YOUR Halloween Tips Here
~~~$-$-$-$~~~ Free Scholarships & Grants:Find Gold on the College Scholarship Rainbow!
Are you looking for free college scholarships and grants? We have tips and tricks to land tons of college money. This blog presents lots of proven ways to find more scholarship hacks. It shares how to prepare for them and how to win more awards. It’s time to start gathering in scholarship winnings! What if there really was a pot of scholarship gold waiting for you at the end of the scholarship rainbow. Get all of the Scholarship Tips here
10 DIY Non-Scary Halloween Costumes that are Easy, Cheap & Fast
We’ve got tons of ideas for non-scary Halloween costumes that are easy and cheap to make. Have you thought about Halloween costumes for you or your kids yet? Does the cost of costumes scare the fun out of Halloween for your family? Planning for Halloween Takes the Cost out of CostumesHalloween will be here before you know it. And costume-loving families know that putting together a unique and inexpensive costume takes some planning and some time. Get some clever costume ideas here
How to Get The Most FAFSA Money and Pell Grant Awards
If you want to legitimately get the most FAFSA money for your college education, follow these tips and tricks. You’ll get maximum federal student aid in Pell Grants from following our research when you fill out your FAFSA application. We have 5 kids who have attended college, and we have filled out FAFSA applications with every single one of them. As a matter of fact, we’ve filled out the FAFSA application several times with each of them. In the process, we’ve learned several tips from our own experience and from financial aid experts. In this blog, we’ll share the tips and tricks with you, and show you how to maximize the FAFSA application process and receive more Pell Grant money. Get the Tips on FAFSA here
~~~$-$-$-$~~~ Reduce College Costs:Things to do in High School to Prepare for College
There are six things a teen can do in high school that will help to reduce the cost of a college education. We’ve done many of these with our 5 kids and they graduated college without any student loans! How can a high schooler start to reduce college costs?College is a monumental expense for parents and students alike. Who among us is prepared for paying out tens of thousands of dollars over a 4 or 5 year period? However, with any large expense, the more you and your child prepare, the more manageable the expense can be. Read the Six Things Now
Fall Garland and Fall Wreath Festive Fall Garland - A Beautifully Simple DIY
This was a fun and beautiful project to do together - Could you leave a comment on the video and let us know your thoughts? Watch the Video Here
How to Embellish an Ugly Wreath
We had several “un-pretty” wreaths around the house and Annette pulled out her craft supplies and made them better. She only spent $1.25. Was it worth the time? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment on the video. Watch the Video Here